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Series 2

The girls are might have been social distancing but it didn't stop them from getting stuck into Sense and Sensibility by the inimitable Jane Austen

The girls talk feminism in the 1800s, sad girl aesthetic vs depression, Saoirse Fierce and her housebound wig-snatching ability, and Katie and Cliodhna treat us to an improvised scene where two gentlewomen discuss whether a can of Guinness will affect their marriage prospects.

I mean, you kind of have no choice but to listen, right?

Sense & Sensibility

The girls are might have been social distancing but it didn't stop them from getting stuck into Sense and Sensibility by the inimitable Jane Austen

The girls talk feminism in the 1800s, sad girl aesthetic vs depression, Saoirse Fierce and her housebound wig-snatching ability, and Katie and Cliodhna treat us to an improvised scene where two gentlewomen discuss whether a can of Guinness will affect their marriage prospects...

This week the girls discuss Jane Austen's Emma, from the comfort of their respective, socially distanced homes. 

The girls talk about the heroine Jane Austen was sure no one would like (hereafter referred to as "the original mean girl"), her journey of self-discovery through the book and just how good they think Mr Knightley smelled (hint: very). Of course they wound off topic, with other discussions included (but not limited to): 

- Chloe's recent spamming of Katie's WhatsApp with questionable gifs 
- Cliodhna's inability to take part in remote Tuesday night pizza
 - Miss Bates being everyone's favourite character ever, and 
- The fact that Jane Fairfax was actually the heroine all along (mind-blown emoji) 

Tune in, wash your hands, go for a walk while staying 6 feet away from everyone else, the world is your oyster folks!


This week the girls discuss Jane Austen's Emma, from the comfort of their respective, socially distanced homes.

The girls talk about the heroine Jane Austen was sure no one would like (hereafter referred to as "the original mean girl"), her journey of self-discovery through the book and just how good they think Mr Knightley smelled (hint: very)...

The girls argue over whether Persuasion's slightly darker tone and shift to emotional depth from sparkling dialogue is a good or bad thing. As expected, they do not agree and go back on what they say a few times, confusing themselves and everyone else in the process. Though they do decide that this is the most romantic of Jane Austen's novels they've read so far and that Sir Walter, to use Chloe's phrase, is a bad bitch. 

Other topics include, but are not limited to: 
- The lack of blessed palms in the greater Kildare area following Palm Sunday during quarantine 
- Katie's burgeoning addiction to Animal Crossing 
- Whether Animal Crossing is better than Tomb Raider, and
- The correct pronunciation of the word "seaside"

Just because the girls are locked down it doesn't mean the fun has to stop!


The girls argue over whether Persuasion's slightly darker tone and shift to emotional depth from sparkling dialogue is a good or bad thing. As expected, they do not agree and go back on what they say a few times, confusing themselves and everyone else in the process. Though they do decide that this is the most romantic of Jane Austen's novels they've read so far and that Sir Walter, to use Chloe's phrase, is a bad bitch...

This week the girls get stuck into Mansfield Park - a novel that Saoirse thought was gonna be super dry and only give us a half hour's worth of material tops. Instead, the girls talk social mobility, pickup artist culture, the importance of staying true to one's values and just how funny is the name Fanny (spoiler: very)

Other topics include:
- Possibly our biggest girl crush to date
- Chloe falling off her chair (seriously)
- Saoirse going 4 for 4 with the wig snatching run she's got goin'
- And a return from 2 of our most loved advertisers from college

It's all in here in this week's Chick Lit 4 Life: Jane Austen!!

Mansfield Park

This week the girls get stuck into Mansfield Park - a novel that Saoirse thought was gonna be super dry and only give us a half hour's worth of material tops.

Instead, the girls talk social mobility, pickup artist culture, the importance of staying true to one's values and just how funny is the name Fanny (spoiler: very)...

This week the girls talk muslin, men and murder when they get stuck into Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. It's another one that Saoirse thought would be too thin on the ground to fill up a whole show, and yet again, how wrong she was. 

Topics covered include:
-Katie's best dramatic reading to date (we still haven't recovered)
-The discovery that Dublin's cheesiest, and yet most popular nightclub existed in 1800's Bath
-Satire vs Spoof and how in the hell Jane Austen managed to nail both genres in the 19th century
-Henry Tilney being the absolute hugest ride we've seen in a book written before 1990
Also, an update on Chloe's extreme balliage experiment and an insight into Katie's egocentric side (she thinks she's Quentin Tarantino or something)

The Prince Regent got nothin' on our girls, is what we're sayin'

Northanger Abbey

This week the girls talk muslin, men and murder when they get stuck into Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. It's another one that Saoirse thought would be too thin on the ground to fill up a whole show, and yet again, how wrong she was...

This week the girls get their teeth into Jane Austen's masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice. They spend the entire hour agonizing over:

- The upsettingly thick layer of sexual tension running through all of Lizzy and Darcy's conversations (so sticky...)
- Hate-flirting as a viable way to meet your soulmate
- How amazing it is to have a heroine openly own a serious mistake in judgement, and not place herself in exile or throw herself off a cliff afterward
- Who is their favourite character (it's currently a between six way tie between Lizzy, Darcy, Lydia, Mrs Bennet, Mr Bennet, Mr Collins and Lady Catherine de Bourgh - with an honourable mention for ugly-sexy Colonel Fitzwilliam), and
- Who gets the excerpt reading Oscar this episode: Chloe for her magnificent delivery of "We neither of us perform for strangers" or Sarah's actually life-changing Lady Catherine. The Academy have a long night of deliberations ahead of them.

Other topics include:

- A surprisingly indepth history of K-Pop lightsticks (and yes you do need one)
- A very successful demonstration on how reverse psychology may work in convincing your toddler, or 19 year old friend from Drumcondra, to do something
- A quick plug for Westworld, which is always welcome. Especially considering Saoirse's slightly weird crush on Ed Harris...which we're not sure what to do with...

Pride & Prejudice

This week the girls get their teeth into Jane Austen's masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice.

They spend the entire hour agonizing over the upsettingly thick layer of sexual tension running through all of Lizzy and Darcy's conversations (so sticky...), hate-flirting as a viable way to meet your soulmateh how amazing it is to have a heroine openly own a serious mistake in judgement, and not place herself in exile or throw herself off a cliff afterward...

This week the girls continue their discussion on Pride and Prejudice, supplementing their discussion with Rose Servitova's "The Longbourn Letters" and Janice Hadlow's "The Other Bennet Sister” 

Topics discussed (while Saoirse's next door neighbour aggressively cuts their hedge and what ever chair Cliodhna is sitting in squeaks obscenely loudly) include: 
- Mary Bennet, heroine extraordinaire 
- Mr Bennet as a secret leading man
 - Why unsympathetic characters become unsymapthetic in the first place, and should we laugh at them? 

Additional tangents include: 
 - The highly improbable existence of the Illuminati 
- How Chloe is bearing up without the MOTS7 world tour
- Online gaming with your family like a loser - a la Casa de Flannery 
- Katie's hidden past as a Harry Potter fanfic author 

Oh it's all VERY exciting gang!

The Longbourn Letters & The Other Bennet Sister

This week the girls continue their discussion on Pride and Prejudice, supplementing their discussion with Rose Servitova's "The Longbourn Letters" and Janice Hadlow's "The Other Bennet Sister”...

Topics discussed (while Saoirse's next door neighbour aggressively cuts their hedge and what ever chair Cliodhna is sitting in squeaks obscenely loudly) include:
- Mary Bennet, heroine extraordinaire
- Mr Bennet as a secret leading man
- Why unsympathetic characters become unsymapthetic in the first place, and should we laugh at them?

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