Series 6
The Borrow a Bookshop Holiday
In the first episode of Series 6 the girls get stuck into our first “People What We Heart Loads” in Kiley Dunbar and her Borrow A Bookshop Holiday! The girls talk (and disagree mainly) on whether trauma makes a story worthwhile, the merit of light or romantic fiction in general and how Kim Namjoon of BTS fame works as a disguised leading man
I mean if we want to get into it:
- Why do we feel bad about reading books where trauma isn’t front and centre
- And the thing is, there was plenty in this book to dig into trauma-wise, it just wasn’t the focus of the whole piece
- Romantic fiction as a celebration of when we FINALLY get to win, even just for a second...
Arya Winters and the Tiramisu of Death
In the second episode of Series 6 the girls get their teeth into Amita Murray's DELICIOUS "Arya Winters and the Tiramisu of Death" (available Oct 26!). The girls get into what rudeness is really, how childhood trauma infects present day relationships and how frozen custard might just be the answers to all of the world's problems.I mean if we want to get into it:
- The beauty of getting to know a character right from the get-go (cold open optional)
- Lots of mates vs few mates (small talk optional)....
Perfectly Preventable Deaths & Precious Catastrophe
We did it!! We finally got our episode on Deirdre Sullivan's Perfectly Preventable Deaths and Precious Catastophe recorded and posted!
I mean, the girls have much to share, with at least 60% of said sharing being on how much we LOVE Deirdre, seriously she is the actual best, we cannot.
But if we were to try to quantify what it is we have to say in this episode, we've got:
- Which do we like better – the humour or the lyricism? The question that nearly tears the friend group apart (not really)...
White Feathers
Romance? Suffragettes? WWI? Mustard Gas? BTS's Kim Seokjin and the magic of his "Super Tuna" (not a euphemism)
I mean, if that's what we're talking in this month's episode on Susan Lanigan's "White Feathers" we better all strap in folks.
To give the briefest of overviews, we've got
- What is a Bluestocking anyway
- "Finishing School" sounds like the most depressing thing in the world
- The Evil Stepmother - is this a trope simply because evil stepmothers ran rampant at one time?...
Again Rachel
Oh holy crap you guys. Today, we are not here to talk about just any book. We are here to talk about the new novel from the QUEEN of warm, affecting, hilarious fiction herself, MS MARIAN KEYES (thunderous applause)
Not only are we talking a new Marian Keyes novel, we are also talking a return to our beloved Walsh family, and arguably our favourite Walsh - Rachel! When we last saw Rachel in The Mystery of Mercy Close she was happily married to sexy, tight-pantsed Luke and living in New York as a serene addiction therapist. But now she's back in Ireland and has had many changes in her life. What's going on and WHY ARE WE SO TRAUMATIZED BY THE FAMILY TREE GRAPHIC AT THE BEGINNING...
As You Were
Beautiful people, MAGNIFICENT people! We are back and we are ready to talk about the last book in our series on People What We Love Loads - Elaine Feeney's "As You Were"!
Points of note include:
- Clee is quite taken with Elaine. Like it could be a problem
- These characters being some of the most compelling we've seen in FOREVER
- The toll that patriarchal abuse takes on a person - often turning them into someone doling out their own share of pain to others...